Vehicle Consultancy Services
Chris Williams 07850 047721
Mailing address: 61 Bridge Street, Kington HR3 3DJ
Thanks for choosing Vehicle Consultancy Services, the most respected independent vehicle inspection and consulting service in Wales. chris@vehicleconsultancy.co.uk

Our History
Vehicle Consultancy Services became a company in 1997, although it was originally established as a partnership in 1975 with Chris Williams as one of its principals.
One of the primary functions of VCS was to provide an Independent Vehicle Inspection Service for members of the general public. VCS is in demand to serve motor industry client organisations with an independent and professional inspection and assessing service. These organisations include Trading Standards Offices; Police Authorities; various non-governmental agencies; fleet operators; warranty companies; insurance companies; leasing companies; finance companies; and the retail and commercial Motor Trade.
Enquiries: chris@vehicleconsultancy.co.uk
Chris has been in the Motor Industry since 1967 and has had senior and executive positions through much of that time.
He has achieved noteworthy academic qualification in Automotive Engineering and in Motor Trade Management throughout his career, and has internationally recognised professional certification in Vehicle Repair and Assessment.

My Background
Chris's engineering skills and experience are recognised by the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, the Institute of the Motor Industry, the Council of Engineering Institutions, and other engineering and consulting bodies.
Business sector practice is kept under scrutiny by attendance at specialist courses run by Vehicle Manufacturers and their industry associates. These include Vehicle Mechanics, Electrical design, Electronics, Body Repair and Re-manufacture, Vehicle Sales, Financing and Re-financing.
He has had experience in the design and manufacture of many light commercial vehicle bodywork conversions and the conversion of basic vans to minibuses to both the customer's specifications and in accordance with Construction & Use regulations and industry legislative control.
In his career Chris has received many accolades and awards from Manufacturers, Employers and Clients for excellence in various spheres of endeavour.
He has enormous experience within the Retail Motor Industry encompassing every level of activity that would be found in modem vehicle dealerships. Chris has great knowledge and insight of the practices employed throughout the industry.

Maintained Knowledge
An up to date knowledge of technical advances within the Industry is maintained by Chris, both through research and through constant contact with every strata of the Industry. In addition to his technical expertise, he is regarded as an expert on Retail Motor Industry "best practice".
He is often involved with resolutions of disputes that occur within the Industry.
The senior of VCS carries out all inspections or investigations. Should further specialist knowledge be required an accredited expert is appointed to assist.
The reports produced by Vehicle Consultancy Services may be for whatever purpose the commissioner requires. This might include aiding or mitigating a claim, or as evidence in any level of litigation. Reports remain copyright of VCS and may not be published without VCS approval.

Post Accident Repair Inspections & Reports
Following an accident
How can you be certain that the repair has been carried out correctly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Prior to you being asked to accept a repaired vehicle, VCS will carry out a thorough inspection and advise on the quality of the repair and the compliance with manufacturer's requirements.

Pre-Claim Valuation, Disputes & Reports
When a vehicle is declared a total loss
It is essential that the settlement offered is a fair and equitable one. By common consent, this figure should enable a policyholder to replace the written off vehicle with a vehicle of the same make, model, specification, age, mileage & condition.
Though most settlement offers are satisfactory, a large minority is not. This appears to be particularly so with regard to older or the more specialist type of vehicle.
VCS will undertake to provide a substantive report to establish a vehicle's true pre-claim value. We have succeeded in this on many occasions resulting in clients receiving settlements many thousands of pounds greater than the original offer, (highest extra offer to date for a private car, £4600, for an 8yr. old BMW).
Pre & Post Purchase Inspections Before you Buy
Whether privately or from a Motor Dealer, protect your investment and ensure that any major faults are rectified prior to collecting the vehicle.
We inspect the mechanical, electrical & body components of the vehicle and ensure that they are operating to specification and that there are no sub standard body repairs.
Typically around 200 different items are checked including the underside of the car and a comprehensive road test is undertaken.
You will be given a four-page report, listing any defects with advice if these defects are of an essential or desirable nature. If they are essential, the seller should rectify the faults before the sale is completed. If they are desirable, either the seller should rectify them or the sales price should reflect the cost of rectifying them.
You will be advised if a Vehicle History Check has revealed any adverse information about the vehicle with regard to:
a) Any outstanding finance recorded on the vehicle.
b) The vehicle is recorded as being stolen.
c) The vehicle is recorded as having been the subject of a major insurance claim.
After you have bought though, it is preferable to have had a pre-purchase inspection, if this was not done, a post-purchase inspection can be carried out. This is usually requested when uncertainties with regard to the vehicle's safety, security, integrity or merchantable quality are raised. Most often required before a Trading Standards Department will take any action against a Motor Trader.

Investigations, Research & Reports with regard to disputes
If you are in dispute with regard to an issue involving the Motor Trade, an Insurance Company, a Warranty Company etc. VCS can investigate the matter and report with recommendations on the merits of your case, from an engineer's point of view.

Expert Witness Reports & Attendance at Court
In support or mitigation of a claim, a VCS engineer will compile a report and attend Court, in the role of Expert Witness, with regard to any matter within our expertise.
This should always be carried out in consultation with your Legal Advisors and experience has shown that the greater the involvement of VCS with your Counsel the greater the likelihood of a successful outcome

Merchantable Quality Reports
Disputes with regard to quality of vehicles, components & services will require an engineer's report to substantiate any claim of this nature. VCS has an excellent record of success in preparing such reports for use in such claims and these reports will be compiled in accordance with Compliance of Court Procedure.
Before these reports are written, VCS will advise you of the merits of your case, from an engineer's point of view, so that you may discuss the matter with your Legal Advisors.